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Hertie School Africa Policy Club
The Africa Policy Club promotes informed discussions of African public policy, economics, and international affairs. Through events and publications, the club aims to create a forum for exchange on these topics at the Hertie School. The club aspires to cultivate a community sensitive to the intricacies of narratives and discourse on African politics and culture.
Active since 2022

Hertie School Art Club
The Art Club aims to make arts and the cultural world more approachable by tackling artistic topics through the lens of international affairs and political sciences. Its purpose is to spark curiosity about the cultural scene in Berlin among the Hertie School student body. Furthermore, it aims to cover and discuss current developments in the field.
Active since 2022

The Hertie School Bouldering and Climbing Club
The Bouldering and Climbing Club aims to promote a healthy and fun way of socialising for Hertie students and alumni. It welcoms all people who are interested in the sport: from amateurs to experienced climbers.
Active since 2018

Hertie School City Lab
From sustainability to public health, from social mobility to migration and from equality to economic growth: cities are not only the arena for the biggest challenges of our century – they can also be a crucial part of the solutions.
The City Lab wants to dig deeper into these chances and challenges of policymaking at the municipal level and provide a dedicated space to discuss and discover beyond the classroom, connecting students, academics and practitioners.
Active since 2022

Hertie Coding Club
The Coding Club aims to support Hertie students and other community members to develop programming skills for future jobs, projects, or research. It supports members to create multiple data wrangling, visualisations, and develop analytical skills in R and other languages.
Active since 2018

Das Hert-iesta!
Das Hert-iesta aims at promoting cultural communication in terms of gaining insight and at the same time fighting our own insights into cultural celebrations all around the world. The club provides a rainbow space to appreciate and celebrate diversity, and promote intra/inter-cultural mingling. It is a a trans-country and trans-continental cultural exchange, in the most fun, interactive way possible!
Active since 2022

Hertie School Debate Club
The Debate Club fosters the ability to expose students' ideas to an audience, helping them refine their communication skills. Its focus is the British Parliamentary Debate Model, and its vision implies participating in debate competitions representing the Hertie School.
Active since 2021

Hertie School Diplomacy Club
The Hertie School Diplomacy Club (HSDC) aims at facilitating a student-led forum for Hertians to discuss today’s challenges with experts and practitioners from the realm of diplomacy. The club organises projects and events covering a broad variety of issues in the fields of bi- and multilateral international relations. It brings together a broad spectrum of opinions and reflects the school’s diverse and international student body.
Active since 2021

The Governance Post
The Governance Post is Hertie School’s student magazine. It is an independent, student-led primarily digital magazine that serves as a journalistic platform for the engaged participation of all current Hertie students. It aspires to four main values: fostering dialogue; forefronting diverse perspectives; communicating with transparency and accountability; and upholding journalistic integrity with a commitment to constant learning, and education.
Active since 2018

The Hearteats Club aims to bring together students from diverse backgrounds to teach each other about their national dishes, organise potlucks, and explore hole-in-the-wall restaurants in Berlin.
Active since 2020

Hertie School Hikers
Hertie School Hikers is a hiking club for Hertie School students, alumni, staff and friends.
The club promotes hikes in and around Berlin - a great way for members to get out into nature, enjoy some fresh air, and connect with peers across years and cohorts.
Active since 2020

Hertie School International Relations Club
The International Relations Club organises events with interesting personalities from the international arena. In its Ambassador Series, high-level representatives of numerous countries engage with students in an informative discussion in an expressly informal setting. The club offers a unique opportunity to gain first-hand experience from top-level practitioners and exchange ideas on current political developments.
Active since 2017

Hertie School Japan Policy Society
The Hertie School Japan Policy Society promotes knowledge sharing and cultural exchange activities related to Japan. The club’s activities mainly rest on four pillars: Hosting public policy seminars on Japan; supporting students interested in working or studying in Japan; hosting cultural exchange events related to Japan; organising cultural trips to Japan.
Active since 2023

Hertie School Kino Club
The Kino Club gives students an easy introduction into the craft and power of cinema. From blockbusters to arthouse and from Asia to Europe, Kino Club hosts diverse screenings and themed film festivals. The Club wants to show how film is approached differently throughout the world, how it shapes cultures, and what makes it so unique. Filmmakers and Professors in film are invited for talks and Q&As and students can share their own ideas and favourite topics by organising their own screenings.
Active since 2022

Hertie School Language Club
Hertie's School Language Club (HSLC) aims to provide a space for cultural and language exchange, promoting events where students can practice or learn a language through conversations with their peers. It’s a great way to upgrade language skills while having a good time and meeting new people.
Active since 2020

Hertie School Latin American Club
The Hertie School America Latina (HeLAC) Club aims to continue with the previous effort of former students to build up and promote a space for analysis, debates and discussions about contemporary and political issues related to Latin America. Its objective is to bring together Hertie students with an interest in Latin America and create a strong, caring, and safe community.
Active since 2017

Hertie School Music Club
The Hertie School Music Club connects Hertians who like to learn, play, and listen to music together. It aims to create opportunities for students to jam together, to destress and learn a new instrument, and to get discounted tickets to musical performances of interest around the city.
Active since 2021

Hertie School Open Society
The Hertie School Open Society has three main objectives: i. To promote liberal values, human rights and the rule of law in the school’s student bodyl; ii. To impulse onsite and online discussions with politicians and policy makers around the world about the challenges for liberal societies and iii. To recognise the importance of an active participation in the defense of democracy from the Hertie School.
Active since 2022

Hertie School Photography Club
The Hertie Photography Club aims to bring together appreciators of this art from all levels of experience. It hosts regular gatherings to explore and capture the city while developing space for students to be creative. Its mission is to provide an outlet which encourages experimentation and expression as a compliment to Hertie's rigorous coursework.
Active since 2023

Cinema Politica Club
Every two weeks during the academic semester, Cinema Politica Club screens a politically engaged documentary or film on topics such as migration, refugees, climate change and gender discrimination, amongst others. The club provides a safe, informal, and comfortable space for discussions about those topics and is intended for movie lovers, as well as for anyone who enjoys a good movie, good conversations and a beer.
Active since 2017

Hertie School Pride Network
The Hertie School Pride Network promotes the creation and strengthening of safe spaces for the LGBTQIA+ community through education, dialogue and solidarity. The network seeks to support initiatives from the community that deal with queer issues and highlight the relevance of intersectionality in the design and implementation of public policies. Some of its activities include organising academic events, social gatherings, talks, workshops, book clubs and movie screenings. Members view these as opportunities to promote engagement and strengthen bonds within the school and the broader LGBTQIA+ community. The Pride Network encourages students, staff and alumni alike to join.
Active since 2017

Hertie School Racquet Sports Club
The Racquet Sports Club invites Hertie students to try new sports (tennis and squash) and take time off from the busy university life to focus on physical activities. The club gathers twice a week in courts that are near the school and can be reached via public transport.
Active since 2020

Hertie School Security Club
The Hertie School Security Club (HSSC) focuses on bridging the gap between academics and practice and on engaging students on the intersection of security in the policy world. It fosters an interdisciplinary approach to security policy and seeks to provide a platform for a broad variety of perspectives. Inclusivity and anti-racism in every aspect underpin all of its activities.
Active since 2019

The Society of Hertie School for Inclusion, Equity, Liberty and Diversity (SHIELD) aims to educate the Hertie community on the importance of designing policy with marginalised groups in mind. SHIELD hosts events that highlight various marginalised groups and how policy can be designed to serve them. Additionally, SHIELD works within the community to create policy recommendations to push the school to become a leader in this area.
Active since 2020

Hertie School Sustainability Club
The Hertie Sustainability Club is a group of students passionate about engaging in the current debates and realities surrounding sustainability. It aims to achieve institutional change as well as foster individual action by providing a forum for students to share knowledge and take collective action. The club organises events and exchanges ideas with students on how to make their surroundings more sustainable.
Active since 2021

Hertie School Tech Society
The Hertie School Tech Society (HSTS) aims at promoting emerging technologies among the community. The association provides a platform to connect, build, and employ an interdisciplinary and passionate tech community, thriving on innovation and critically reflecting on the transformational power of technology for society, governments, and industry. Its mission is to ensure that technology works for the benefit of society and it hopes to invite speakers from inside and outside of the Hertie School to make technology more accessible for interested students.
Active since 2020

Hertie School Urban Gardening Club
The Hertie School Urban Gardening Club aims to promote a greener, more colourful, campus for everyone at Hertie, including the occasional birds and bees. Creating wild gardens with the city of Berlin and urban farming are also ideas explored by the club. The purpose is to present an opportunity to the participants to destress, get some sun, and adopt sustainable urban practices.
Active since 2019

Hertie Women in Public Policy
The purpose of Hertie Women in Public Policy is to facilitate networking among female Hertie students. Besides offering a monthly informal meet-up that brings together female students from all disciplines and cohorts, the club regularly organises ‘Inspiring Leader Talks’ where individuals holding leadership positions in different fields of society are invited to speak about their own career choices, and issues such as gender equality or inclusive leadership. Participation in those talks is open to students of all gender identities.
Active since 2022

Work, Employment, and Social Policy (WESP)
The Work, Employment, and Social Policy (WESP) club explores labor, economy, and social policy topics. It aims to connect those with shared interests, bring in expert speakers, and support students in their careers in this field.
Active since 2020

Hertie School Yoga Club
The Hertie Yoga Club promotes and practices a healthy lifestyle for the mental and physical well being of the Hertie community. The club engages in three-fold practices of Ashtanga yoga: Yoga postures (Asanas), Meditation (Dhyana) and Breathing exercise (Pranayama). It is a space for members to go with the flow and relax their mind, body and soul.
Active since 2017
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